Monday 16 January 2012

Anadromous fish?

To answer the much debated question.... Are there anadromous fish in Australia?

      Australia does not natively have any truly anadromous fish.  Although some species such as mullet, particular bass species and eels will travel between the ocean, estuary, and freshwater river systems they spawn in the ocean and do not exhibit the migration patterns of anadromous species.   Such fish can be classified as amphidromous species because there migration to fresh water is not for the purpose of breeding but occurs regularly in specific stages of the life cycle. 
     Note that Australia does have Australian Salmon but they are in no way related to salmon species in the northern hemisphere (salmonidae family) nor are they anadromous.  They are a marine species that belong to the arripidae family and was named the Australian Salmon by European settlers due to their superficial resemblance to the salmonidae family.  

The Australian Salmon... Bag limit of 5 

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